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terms & conditions

Terms & Conditions

Legal details

Domain: www.exiliadosrepublicanos.info

Owner: Lidia Bocanegra Barbecho

mail: info@exiliadosrepublicanos.info


Concerning the issue of personal data treatment refer to paragraph Privacy.

General conditions of use

1. Usage limitations

Access to this website is free and it may be viewed without prior subscription or registration.

An important section of e-xiliad@s contemplates the inclusion of data by users. To accomplish this operation the user needs to register via an ID and password.

Users may not make use of any of the services made available by e-xiliad@s for any act which may harm or alter contents, nor hinder the proper operation of the website. They may not cause technical problems of any sort whatsoever, uploading files which may hold computer viruses or damage nor interfere with or totally or partially intercept this website.

Under no circumstances will e-xiliad@s be held responsible for the improper use of this website or its content, or for the consequences that may arise out of such improper use.

2. Limited responsibility

e-xiliad@s does not guarantee that its pages will be operative or that its content will be complete, accurate or reliable at all times. e-xiliad@s reserves the right to modify the content of this website and of these GENERAL CONDITIONS OF USE at any time, without prior notice.

e-xiliad@s has the right to temporarily suspend access to this website to carry out maintenance, repair, updating or service improvement operations without prior notice and reserves the right to either provide or cancel its services, although it will make an effort to notify users of the fact if circumstances allow.

Thus, any liability for damages or prejudice of any nature which may arise from a lack of availability or continuity of the website and its services and the use which users could have attributed to it is hereby excluded.

3. Intellectual property

The whole of this website and its component parts are protected under Spanish Intellectual Property Law: Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, Real Decreto Legislativo 1/1996, de 12 de abril.

The exercise of the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation of the contents must conform to the Creative Commons License: Attribution-Noncommercial-Share (by-nc-sa). This License contemplates a noncommercial use of the original work or any derivative works, as well as the distribution with the recognition of credits and regulation under a license with the same conditions.

Any use of this website or its contents infringing regulations in effect will be prosecuted.

4. Hypertext links

With regard to links included in this website pointing to other sites not managed by e-xiliad@s, this institution represents that it does not exercise any control whatsoever over them nor is responsible for their content.

Any links found herein to other sites are offered merely as information and do not imply any assessment of the contents, owners, services or products of such sites.

The Web  Administrator will be able at any time to request the elimination of connections to e-xiliad@s included in other Web pages, if he retains the content of the same non in agreement to the purposes of Web e-xiliad@s.

5. Ethics

The use of the information contained in e-xiliad@s is recommended under the following premises:

- Reuse of data in a non-commercial way.

- Respect for the information and the people reflected in the files and other sections of the web.

- Properly cite the e-xiliad@s project if its content is used.

6. Other conditions

These General Conditions of Use and all relations established between the user and e-xiliad@s are subject to the Spanish Laws.

The use of this website implies acceptance of the above General Conditions of Use.

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