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Nicolás Rubió | Travelogue of an exiled child

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Artist, writer, poet. When he went into exile from Spain he was only 8 years; with his family went from Barcelona to Céret  and l’Auvergne, not being in any French internment camp.

CeretHis father, Santiago Rubió Tuduri, engineer in a hydroelectric company in Catalonia, did not participate in the war and never was active politically. They were exiled for family reasons; according to Nicolás narrates, the reason was his uncle, the renowned lawyer Mariano Rubió Tuduri, member of Esquerra Republicana and deputy for the constituency of Barcelona city. He was forced into exile in France in 1939 due to a series of frictions with the Communist Party. Having a brother politically linked to a leftist party, along with the final development of the civil war, caused that Santiago Rubió went into exile with his family before the end of the conflict, in 1938.

That exile marked a before and after for child Nicolás, who wrote a diary about the trip from Catalonia to France and the stay in a small French villages. Around 130 manuscript pages wrote in French, including also postcards of the era and drawings by Nicolás; an exceptional document of the time about exile lived and seen through the eyes of a child.

Author: Lidia Bocanegra | October 2012

Travelogue: De Barcelone á Céret á l'Auvergne

Diario Rubió pag. 0
Diario Nicolás Rubió